Besqab Hjärtan Aros Bostad = True

Together, we get a broader residential offer and become a stronger partner. Now you can find all information about us and our homes in the same place, under the Besqab brand.


Strategies and Goals

The combination of a clear customer and sustainability focus, strong business acumen, and financial stability forms the foundation for Besqab’s long-term profitable growth.

  • The core business is the development of sustainable, high-quality homes for satisfied customers in attractive areas.
  • Development of owned and rented housing, multi-family houses, and single-family homes within the mid- and upper-mid segments.
  • The geographical area of operation is desirable locations in Stockholm County and Uppsala.
  • Development of community services for others’ ownership or own management is a complement to the core business.
  • Strong business acumen and financial stability form the foundation for long-term and profitable growth.
  • Target for gross margin is 20% and operating margin is 15%.
  • Return on equity should be at least 15% over an economic cycle. Equity ratio 30% (IFRS).