Besqab Aros Bostad = True
Together, we get a broader residential offer and become a stronger partner. Now you can find all information about us and our homes in the same place, under the Besqab brand.
In the first quarter of 2024, Besqab merged with Aros Bostad through a public tender offer from Aros Bostad to Besqab's shareholders. The merged company has taken the name Besqab.
The combination of a clear customer and sustainability focus, strong business acumen and financial stability will form the basis for long-term profitable growth. Key figures for the merged company will be reported at a capital market day in connection with the Q1 report, on May 30, 2024.
Until then, goals and reports on refer to the listed parent company Aros Bostadsutveckling AB, which has been renamed as Besqab AB since April 2024.
Reports from Besqab up until 2023, can be found here.
The financial targets include an equity ratio exceeding 30 percent, a project margin of 20 percent and an operating margin of 15 percent.
För att nå framgång och utveckla verksamheten i en hållbar riktning arbetar vi mot tydligt uppsatta mål.