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Aros Bostadsutveckling AB (publ) changes name to Besqab AB (publ) and gets new ticker on Nasdaq First North Growth Market

Regulatorisk information
At the extraordinary general meeting in Aros Bostadsutveckling AB (publ) held on 16 April 2024, it was resolved to change the name of the company to Besqab AB (publ). The name change has been registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Sw. Bolagsverket) Today, the amendment of the Articles of Association has been registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office and executed. In connection with the name change, the ordinary share and the preference share will received new tickers on Nasdaq First North Growth Market.

New ticker för the ordinary share will be BESQAB and the new ticker for the preference share of series B will be BESQAB PREF B. The last day of trading on Nasdaq First North Growth Market with the current ticker of the ordinary share and the preference share will be 23 april 2024. The first day of trading on Nasdaq First North Growth Market with the new tickers of the shares is 24 april 2024. The ISIN codes for the shares remains unchanged.

The company will also change its website address to [insert new address]. The change is expected to take place on 23 april 2024.

Certified Adviser for Besqab AB (publ) at Nasdaq First North Growth Market is Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ).



About Besqab
Besqab AB (publ) develops sustainable, high-quality residential housing in sought-after locations in Greater Stockholm and Uppsala. The business also includes development of community services for external ownership or own management. The company is listed on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market. Certified Adviser is Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ). More information at

For more infomation, please contact:

Magnus Andersson, CEO, e:, t: +46 73 410 12 43
Anna Åkerlund, Head of IR and Communication, e:, t: +46 70 778 28 97
Certified adviser,e:, t: +46 73 856 42 65